

mission and values

In an ethical and fair way, we have been working in the publishing, multimedia and typographic industry, promoting culture and information

Our mission and values

In an ethical and fair way, we have been working in the publishing, multimedia and typographic industry, promoting culture and information

Our mission, declared in our statute, is to “ perform any activity in the editorial, multimedia, and typographical field, or in any way pertaining to the promotion of information and culture. ”

In pursuing our social objective, we attribute all behaviors to the ethics of responsibility, which commits us to act with service orientation, fairness in business , client satisfaction, and the safeguard of community and environmental interests.

Mediagraf’s Core Values

These small but important values are at the heart of everything we do :

  • pursue excellence in production and market competitiveness, creating economic value and contributing to the welfare of employees, clients, and the community
  • respect and preserve the environment through prudent and responsible resource use, promoting a waste reduction attitude
  • contribute to sustainable development, achieving objectives without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs
  • embrace technological innovation and the positive evolution of social relationships
  • ensure consistency and coherence between values, strategies, and behaviors
  • value people, respecting collaborators’ rights, guaranteeing equal opportunities, encouraging personal development, and ensuring employee safety and health
  • respect the law and comply with the legal system
  • uphold fairness and transparency in management and in relationships with stakeholders and competitors, honoring all agreements
  • develop a strong service orientation, enhancing quality and response speed in customer relationships
  • promote workplace transparency, being aware of role expectations and commitments towards stakeholders
  • encourage cooperation among all contributors to organizational objectives, fostering loyalty and mutual trust