

mission and values

In an ethical and fair way, we have been working in the publishing, multimedia and typographic industry, promoting culture and information

Our mission and values

In an ethical and fair way, we have been working in the publishing, multimedia and typographic industry, promoting culture and information

Our mission, declared in our statute, is to “perform any activity in the editorial, multimedia and typographical field, or in any way pertaining to the promotion of information and culture.”

In pursuing out social objective, we attribute all behaviours to the ethics of responsibility, which  commits to be oriented towards service, fairness in business, clients satisfaction and to the safeguard of community and environment interests.

Mediagraf reference values

These small but important values are the core of everyting we do:

  • Pursue excellence in the production and market competitiveness, creating economical value and contributing to the welfare of its employees, clients and its reference community;
  • Respect and preserve the environment with a prudent and economical use of resources and the promotion of an attitude towards the avoiding of waste;
  • Contribute to a sustainable development, pursuing objectives without compromising future generations capacities of meeting their needs;
  • Be mindful to technological innovations ad to the positive evolution of social relationships;
  • Achieve consistency and coherency within values, strategies and behaviours;
  • Value people, respecting collaborators rights, guaranteeing fair opportunities, favouring personal development, preserving safeness and health of employees;
  • Respect laws following the legal system;
  • Respect fairness and transparency in management system and in relationships with interlocutors and competitors honouring subscribed agreements;
  • Develop staffs service orientation, increase in quality and rapidity in response in customers relationships;
  • Be transparent at work, aware of expectations linked to roles and to commitment undertaken with stakeholders;
  • Favour cooperation between anyone who contributes to the realization of objectives, promoting loyalty and reciprocal trust.