

We rely on an external system for paper purchase and management

We reduce clients raw material costs by including their orders in purchasing groups.

Paper purchase and management

We reduce clients raw material costs by including their orders in purchasing groups.

Mediagraf Spa has implemented an external system for paper purchase and management, this has been done to offer customers ad additional service and to guarantee easiness in controlling and coordinating orders. We reduce clients raw material costs by including their orders in purchasing groups.

The substantial quantities annually ordered by Mediagraf, allow customers a directly proportional reduction in costs by acquiring material in purchasing groups, and control and management of their raw material, activity which is normally limited to heavy industrial users.

Mediagraf each year manages more than 480.000 tonnes of paper and 60.000 pallets of finished products.

Our services guide lines:

  • Individuation of product typology, paper roll dimension and quantity needed per single edition, in order to transform the commerce planning in terms or paper requirements.
  • Individuation of printing machines characteristics
  • Analysis and verification of format and foliation compatibility with machinery and quantity needed calculation
  • Sending of goods arrival and scheduled quantity notification,
  • Mediagraf works with the supplier for any request or doubt about paper delivery, order management and compliance of expected waiting time.
  • Mediagraf has established a supplier scope statement which protects each company (each according to their involvement:  the Customer, the Printer –commissioned  by the customer -, and Mediagraf Spa owner of the paper  – Mediagraf Spa can also be the printer- and the Paper Mill). This has been done in order to assure compliance of all laws, procedures, responsibilities and obligations of each single part. Mediagraf handles all complaints with Paper Mills, mediating and verifying respect of all agreements and compensation for any damage.
  • Mediagraf moves to acknowledge to the printer the amount of compensation agreed with the Paper Mill, as soon as the litigation with the Producer is defined.
  • Once printing is completed, Mediagraf verifies the delivery of the raw material (signalled by the Printer) according to the parameters given by the contract, and communicates to the Client if data is correct or unprecise.
  • Mediagraf manages loads and unloads in their own management system and checks periodically quantities of unused material.
  • Mediagraf respects contracts and agreements, counting actual consumes and charging only requested quantity.